Get an expert valuation
We can help you accurately value your practice based on the most appropriate valuation methodology for you practice size and valuation purpose.

Recurring Revenue Valuation
Our Recurring Revenue Valuation will help you arrive at a reliable, competitive, whole of business valuation, based on recurring revenue.
If you need to value your practice based on recurring revenue up to $2M per annum, this may be a good option for you.

Detailed Profit Valuation
Where your practice demands a more sophisticated valuation, our individual consulting approach takes into account the EBIT and profit drivers of your business to deliver a detailed valuation.
> contact us
If you’re selling shares in a practice, are turning over in excess of $1.5M per annum or require a valuation for legal purposes, please contact us for a confidential discussion.
Whatever your valuation reason.
Clients have used our valuations for:
Know where you stand. Know what you’re worth.
Our valuation methodology applies the most favourable valuation approach for your practice (RR or EBIT) and assesses your practice value against the 8 key criteria that buyers consider when reviewing an acquisition opportunity. These criteria significantly influence the buyer’s perception of value and risk, and therefore using these criteria ensures we’re getting an objective, current market valuation for your practice.
Confidentiality assured.
Regardless of the reason for your valuation, you want to ensure that both the exercise and the multiple remain confidential. We guarantee the confidentiality of our discussions and valuation outcomes.
Industry knowledge, market insights
Through relationships established over 25 years, multiple transactions with some of the largest players in the financial planning industry and active research into sale multiples and terms, we are able to provide accurate, market-nuanced valuations.
Proven valuation methodology
Our RR and EBIT valuation methodologies have been proven across hundreds of transactions totalling in excess of $500M.
Impartial, objective advice & support
We can remove the emotion from the valuation process, presenting parties with an objective, defensible assessment backed by market standard valuation methodologies and current market insights.