We all make a multitude of decisions every day: what to wear to work, what kind of coffee to order, what to pack for our kids’ lunches. But what about about more important, life changing decisions? Like ones about finances and investment. How do we arrive at these more complex decisions? Daniel Kahneman (an Israeli-American psychologist, Nobel economics laureate, and …
The biggest mistake you can make when selling your practice and how to avoid it!
Check out my latest 2 minute vlog: The biggest mistake when selling your financial planning practice, and how to avoid it.
6 ways financial planners can land (and keep) A-grade clients
Theodore Roosevelt once said that: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Whether you’re running your own financial planning firm or working as an employee, the art of genuine client engagement is an important professional skill – and it can make or break your bottom line. When times get tough, top clients become …
6 common traits of successful financial planners
It’s a given that clients want their financial adviser to be an expert – wisdom, knowledge and industry experience is par for the course. But what about the other personality traits and ‘soft’ skills of a great financial adviser? Former AMP Horizons director Tim Steele once described the attributes needed to succeed in a financial planning role as a love …
Due Diligence – When do you do it, and why?
Please check out my latest 2 minute Vlog – Due Diligence: When do you do it, and why?
Think Like the Royals: The Art of Succession Planning for Financial Advisors
There’s much to be learned about business from a qood quality Netflix series. ‘The Crown’, the network’s popular TV series exploring the life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is no exception. Why? Because the British Royals obviously spend a great deal of time thinking about succession plans. Just like any successful business, one of the world’s grandest and longest …
What makes a practice more valuable?
Please check out my latest Vlog – What Makes a Practice More Valuable? Chris Wrightson. Founder and CEO at Centurion Market Makers, the industry experts in the sale, acquisition and management of financial planning firms. If you’re planning on selling your firm in 2017, we’d love you to call us for a confidential discussion, or continue browsing our website for …
Social Media Mastery: 5 Top Tips for Financial Planners
Once the playground of teen Instagrammers and sexy fashion brands, social media is now everyone’s business. Whether it’s for boosting your SEO or building strong and engaged client relationships, social media is an important tool for financial advisors. With 49% of Australians aged between 40 and 49, and 37% of people aged between 50 and 64 using social media, communication …
3 Tips for Finding a Practice for Sale
Many people are searching for ways on how to find practice for sale but it’s really difficult to find one since there is no eBay, no public billboard and never publicly advertise. Below are the tips for finding Practise for Sale: 1. Let everybody know that you are in the market to acquire. 2. Knock on the doors 3. Reach …
Marketing to Millennials: The Financial Planner’s Essential Guide
The stereotypes and media narratives about millennials are legendary. They’re selfish. They’re lazy entitled narcissists who still live with their parents. It’s the ‘Me Me Me’ generation. They spend all their time on Facebook and Snapchat and they need to be ‘parented’ to do the right thing in the workplace. But a recent Australian survey, Investing in Millennials, debunks many …